Pie Five Pizza, a chain based out of Dallas, Texas, was started five years ago by the same folks who started Pizza Inn. C&T Design Branch Manager Mark Mattevi has been working with them since their inception. They have been routinely - and rightly so! - acknowledged by various industry publications and organizations for their innovation and subsequent booming success. Their unique concept, hardwork and good food has provided them with the ability to create demand for their product while rapidly expanding at a sustainable rate.
Their most recent nod came from FastCasual.com, a website dedicated to exactly the type of foodservice establishments you would imagine as indicated by the website's name. Pive Five Pizza was number 3 on their list of the 2015 Top 100 Movers & Shakers! This is a move up ten spots from last year when they came in at number 13, and up from slot 40 the year before that! These are incredible jumps in a very short amount of time.
A huge congratulations to Pie Five Pizza!! We are so proud to be a partner.
Related Topics: Commercial Kitchen Design, Restaurant Design, Mark Mattevi, Branch Office, Ohio